In addition to the approved Swedish patent, Starfish of Sweden has also filed an international, published PCT application. The PCT international search report found novelty in all claims filed. The Starfish of Sweden team is presently finalizing patent applications in additional key market regions,- primarily Europe (EP) and US.


In parallel with IP process , Starfish of Sweden has produced prototypes and developed  unique measurement methods to measure proven to contribute to the initiation of pressure ulcers (Mmicro-blood flow, oxygen supply to tissue, temperature, and humidity).


With this measurement method as a basis, a first pilot study has been carried out. The study was conducted with persons lying down on a mattress version of Starfish of Sweden’s support surface under simulated a healthcare facility conditions. The pilot study was performed by domain specialists, researchers, and doctors from Lund Institute of Technology and was conducted in climate chambers at LTH with regulated temperature and humidity conditions. The pilot study compared a “standard of care” mattress product used today vs. Starfish of Sweden’s solutions. The study results indicate show very exciting trends in skin conditions. Starfish of Sweden’s mattress showed a 24% higher micro blood flow, a 20% higher oxygen supply, 0,5 C° lower average temperature and a much lower temperature development. A subsequent and significantly more extensive Ppilot study  will begin shortly and is expected to demonstrate the superiority of Starfish of Sweden’s solution in a greater person sample